Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beautiful Slim Body - My Weight Loss Success Story

[UPDATE] 11/22/2010
Many people have been asking where I got the pills from. There are a lot of fakes out there so be careful. I always get my pills from or Hope that helps!

[Original Post] I was introduced to this MIRACULOUS pill by a friend of mine, it's called Beautiful Slim Body. I was weighing about 205 pounds 5ft 7, working out in the gym three times a week at lunch, eating salads, single mom, working two jobs 6 days a week. I went to the doctors to get a physical and was diagnosed with high cholesterol.

I was told that if I didn't change my diet and lose some weight I would have to be put on prescription medicine to control my cholesterol. I thought to myself what in the world am I working out for?? My weight was going anywhere and my cholesterol was high, my knees were starting to bother me because I stood on them at my part-time job in the evenings.

Well, as I made my bi-weekly visit to my girlfriend, Thuy, who does nails and pedicures; there she told me lovingly as she often did that I was literally too pretty to be FAT. I told her that I have been exercising a lot, and also that I had tried numerous diet pills, Phen, Hydroxy Cut, Ephedra, and others but none worked! I told her I guess I was meant to be fat.

Thuy is Vietnamese and told me about a diet pill that she GUARANTEED would help me to lose the weight; it's called Beautiful Slim Body. I thought about it for quite some time but I just wasn't willing to try yet another pill; i was convinced that it would not work. I could not find reviews online or anywhere to encourage me. Every time I see her she would nag me about trying it out, taking this "natural" weight loss pill and losing weight. The strength of her conviction and determination finally outweighed my skepticism; she purchased beautiful slim body and gave it to me to try. I threw the box in the trunk of car where it stayed for months.

One morning, I decided that I would make one last attempt to lose weight; I had stopped working out totally. I was up to a size "17" and pushing to the 18. I started taking the pills every morning religiously. After the third day, I started to lose appetite. My coffee buddy at work was wondering what was wrong with me. Every morning we used to walk to the deli and get coffee and BREAKFAST. Now, all I wanted was just coffee. For lunch we always had a good lunch! Now, I was only walking to the deli with him and I did not feel hungry at all. That's right, I stopped getting lunch. Yes, I saw the juicy steak, the yummy gravy, bacon, mashed potatoes with gravy...etc, but I did not have the appetite.

At times I would force myself to eat some fruit. A week later, people were asking what I was doing to be losing weight so fast. It started to show in my face first and then my butt and thighs which were really big started to slim down and by the second week my upper and lower stomach became flat! I was starting to get a little nervous! I visited my doctor for a checkup and the result came back all positive, no health issues; so I continued.

My water intake had increased. Thirsty for water!!! Sugary cravings went away, my desire to eat, eat, eat, went away.....sometimes it made me sick to smell or see large portions of food or even heavy food. I only wanted light fare.

I will never forget in the beginning, a few times, I pushed myself. And so one day I went out to a seafood buffet. I would eat a single plate full of food, but it used to be two or three before I started on the pills. I felt so sick that night, like I had eaten myself to death all day. The good thing was that the pill disposes of "excess food" quickly when the it enters the body. I had to deal with the discomfort until I arrived home and then my visit to the bathroom was a big relief!!! I believe I did this twice and at that point never again did I even try to eat more than a "HAPPY MEAL" size portion. I was also drinking 3 Ballerina Tea which helped clean my digestive system; it is a safe green tea marketed as colon cleanser which makes a perfect companion to beautiful slim body.

Before I knew it I was on my second box and the weight was coming down, down, and down.....I couldn't go anywhere without anyone asking "How are you losing all of that weight so fast", you look so good!!! At this point, my weight had come down past my 16 year old daughter who was a size 13 at the time. Watch out, momma was HOT!!!!

Even with my preexisting condition with high cholesterol, I felt no side effects whatsoever, in fact I have never felt better.

Beautiful Slim Body is made in the USA and sold as a dietary supplement. It has 36 soft gels that you take with water every morning on an empty stomach. It contains multiple plants with natural slimming effect, such as xian xian cao, jobs tears, artemisia dracunculus, psyllium husk, bamboo shoot, and lotus leaf. It works, according to the manufacturer, by suppressing the gastro-intestinal tract enzyme activeness, decreasing fat absorption, and increasing your body energy consumption and decomposing fat. I do feel a lot of energy when I use it.

I recommend it to my friends and family। And I am sure there are a lot of people out there who might benefit from using it. Or at least try it. It has been six months since I started the pills. I have not quit it completely, I still take it occasionally. There are a few websites that sell beautiful slim body out there. If you need a reliable source, send me a message. I have not gained a single pound back, I kept it all off which is the best part of the whole experience. I have a friend who has taken another diet pill called "2 Day Diet"and swears by it, I haven't tried it yet but I will soon blog about her experience.

[UPDATE] 11/22/2010
Many people have been asking where I got the pills from. There are a lot of fakes out there so be careful. I always get my pills from or Hope that helps!


  1. Hi, I read your story and it has given me the courage to beginmy weight-loss journey. Where did your friend ourchase the beautiful slim body pills? It is my understanding from reading the diet blogs that there are fake pills floating around out there. I would hate to dash my hopes of achieving my weight loss goal because of fake pills. Please Help!!

  2. This story has given me hope that I can finally lose weight as well!! I have been searching to buy this product - also aware that there are fake pills being sold - and I can not seem to find a reliable source. Where would you recommend me purchasing this from?

  3. Hi, I'm starting using the pills for 4 days now, and I think it's working. Regardless it suppressed my appetite but I force myself to cut my meals in half of what I used to eat on a daily basis because I don't want my husband to question about it.
    I can see increase of the energy level that keeps me awake whenever I want to stay up, and I don't feel tired anymore. I remember the first day I used the pill....oh boy....I worked all day long and came home, cooking, cleaning, washing & folding the clothes, etc....until 2 a.m. and didn't feel tired at all. That was crazy. The neat thing about taking these pills are that I don't feel dizzy nor would my heart beats up like I used to try Herbal Life dietary (I tried one day & quit b/c I was scared of having a heart attack soon).
    I'm not really overweighed for my size, but I still carry on the baby fat after having my son for 4 yrs and I'm committing to lose those pounds. Yet, I'm keeping my healthy lifestyle of eating more vegies & fruits rather than meats & rice. At the same time, I'm more in the mood of exercising without feeling tired.
    I bought the pills at a local store in Atlanta, Georgia. I don't know about other states. I can come & ask the store owner to see if she sells it out of state or not if anyone wants to try it. Just leave a post and I will get back to you.

  4. where did u get the pills in atl? iid like to get them.

  5. I always get them from
    Great customer service and it works; within 3 days you will start seeing a big difference.
